Pink Chrysanthemums /Gypso
Discover our fresh and affordable Pink Chrysanthemums and Gypso bouquet, offering a delightful blend of charm and elegance. Featuring lovely pink daisy-like chrysanthemum blooms complemented by delicate gypso flowers, this arrangement creates a graceful contrast of colors and textures. Starting at ₦28,500 for 3 stems, it's perfect for adding sophistication and a touch of beauty to any space. Order now to bring joy and freshness to your surroundings.
PLEASE NOTE: Readily available in Lagos. Need to confirm availability in Abuja, Ibadan, Benin, Port Harcourt before you place your order.
*PLEASE NOTE: While we strive to present our floral arrangements in the best possible way, the vases shown in our images are for display purposes only and are not included with your order. Thank you for your understanding.